I even received some extra items which are also much needed by the kids:
75 tooth brushes, 80 individual-sized toothpastes, underwear for all, shampoo to last a few years, children's multi-vitamins, school supplies, bar soap and more. Mac and I went through our old t-shirts and we were able to send one to each of the children.
Thank you to my dad for donating $250 towards over half of the shipping costs.
Thank you to Mac's parents for donating underwear and undershirts.
Thank you to my sister-in-law for donating the tooth paste, tooth brushes, soap, shampoo, underwear and vitamins.
Thank you to the sisters in my ward for donating back packs, coats and flip flops.
Without everyone's help, this would not have been possible!
I am so happy that these children will be receiving these much needed supplies, and I KNOW that they are also thrilled.

This is an exerpt from an email I received this week from Mama Esime's son, who runs the orphanage:
Hello Kelly,
I am fine and hope you are too. I thank God that finally your dream to help the kids at the orphanage is coming into reality. There is no cause to fear all the items will arrive safe. We had in the past all the items sent to us coming to the orphanage safe. I am so grateful to the sisters in your church all that assisted you to organize this package especially your dada who is also helping you to have the items posted. On behalf of the kids and mum, more grease to your elbow for the good work done. Hope to hear from soon
Thank you!